Reflow product styling: How to style button hover color

I’m using Reflow with a dynamic product page, starting with a stock BSS theme and modifying colors, etc. Here on the product page, this button’s color correctly updated when I changed my theme’s primary button color…

… BUT the hover effect color does not update when I changed it. Here the hover color should be a lighter shade of pink, but it’s blue:


Other, normal buttons (like on the home page) updated to my desired color just fine. I can’t find the CSS setting for this particular button. How can I style its hover color?

ANSWER: ok my wife actually helped me find it by digging through the HTML :joy: Just keep uncollapsing the product’s entry in the HTML pane until you find the button component. Then duplicate the relevant CSS to your stylesheet and change the color there. Be sure to also keep the !important, or the stock CSS will override your own.

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