Reflow Shopping Cart does not work in modal

I added a shopping cart in a modal, it doesn’t display anything when I call the modal to popup, but if I add an item to the shopping cart and then call the modal immediately after that, the shopping cart shows up. does anyone know, why? or if there’s a work around, or some other way to trigger a refresh the shopping cart upon calling a modal?

This is due to an optimization in the toolkit - components are not rendered unless they are visible. You can work around this by executing Reflow.scan() when you are showing the modal.

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Thanks @martin for the reply but the suggest did not work, I even tried executing after 1 second pause

const modal1   =document.getElementById('modal');
modal1.addEventListener('', function(event) { 
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);

I think the Reflow.scan() is a function so you can try with this

const modal1 = document.getElementById('modal');
modal1.addEventListener('', function() { 
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000);

or without the timeOut like this

const modal1 = document.getElementById('modal');
modal1.addEventListener('', function() { 

hi @kuligaposten
It’s not a function, but I tried it still, did not work.

It appears that there is a problem with the scan method. The workaround is to create the cart div only before calling Reflow.scan(). It will be something like this:

let modalBody = modal.querySelector('.modal-body');
modalBody.innerHTML = '<div data-reflow-type="shopping-cart"></div>';
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thanks @martin, saved me a lot of time