ReflowHQ Suggestions

Hi, I’d like to start out by saying thank you. Bootstrap Studios and ReflowHQ are two great products, they’ve really helped me out <3

I’ve been using both for a while now and I’ve got a few ideas for ReflowHQ which I hope your team would be able to implement.

1. Coupons with usage limit
So a coupon will expire after X uses. So if I was to give a discount to the first 100 users who purchase a product.

2. Scheduled vacation days
Rather than only being able to enable/disable vacation mode it’d be nice to be able to schedule it.

3. Closed periods
I’m doing a local pizza website, however I don’t wish for people to be able to order pizzas during their closing times, so closed periods would be a nice feature.

4. Virtual products/No shipping
I’ve read that virtual products are already being worked on - which is great, but when this is implemented it’d be great to consider the following.

4.1 I’m currently designing a pizza website through your systems, but as the shop is pickup only, shipping won’t be used. But I currently can’t remove it from ReflowHQ, so that’s a pain of mine currently.

4.2 I have a software solution which I’m trying to sell through a website of mine. It’s difficult to send the actual files to the customer from my current experience (custom website solution) - so making it easy through BSS would really be a nice feature!


Great suggestions so far even tho I’m not using Reflow at all, it would be great to see those.

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Thank you for the suggestions!

Coupon usage limits, scheduled vacation days and closed periods will be great additions to Reflow. We will work on them soon.

We have a Pickup at Store delivery option in the works, which will solve the Virtual Products/No shipping use case that you have. When active, customers won’t be prompted for a delivery or billing address. Should be ready next month.

As for selling software downloads, these will have to wait for when we support Digital Products. This is a complex feature and will take some time to arrive, but it’s coming :slight_smile:


When you do the coupon usage limits, can you extend that further to a date range choice as well (if it’s not there already trhat is)? This would help for those special sales that people run for specific number of days, or “only for the next 12 hours” etc. That way the coupon will automatically expire.


I will defo use Reflow when it will support digital cause I have many ideas for this and software downloads.

I cant wait :slight_smile:

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Amazing. I love the support for BSS <3

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