I’ve created a registration form with a few checkboxes. Everything works as it should be.
What I would like to do is the following:
When a checkbox is checked, the email should contain in the message body that e.g. checkbox 1, 3, 4 and 5 have been checked (with a short text about what the checkboxes are about, i.e. not the whole text of the checkbox label).
And is it possible to group all the checkboxes, for example, so that you have to select at least one or more?
If it’s not possible then I’ll think about something else.
Thank you!
Kind regards
regarding to this video https://youtu.be/cVe2hJI-K8k?t=212 they put in a form group. I can’t find form groups in BSS anymore.
Did they change the behaviour to forms?
I see that. They sometimes get very busy, and don’t always answer every question immediately if it’s not something crucial to the function of the software. You tagged Martin a second time, so he’ll probably reply this week.