SASS PreProcessing Tool - for Sass "learning and beyond"

Most of us know already that the preprocessor is built into BSS already so we don’t need to have any tools or setup any code (in the terminal) to use it. What many of us don’t know (or didn’t in my case lol) is how to learn it where you can see everything going on.

That’s where Prepros comes in (Thanks to @Twinstream for this suggestion quite some time back). You can use pretty much any Code Editor (I chose Atom and changed to Visual Studio and both worked great). The setup is very easy, don’t have to do any heavy lifting to get it to work, and it’s very easy to use along the way.

This tool is what finally made it possible for me to really sit and learn SASS. I’m pretty visual so I want to see what’s going on while I learn (in other words the CSS which you cannot see in BSS). Hope it helps others out there struggling to get this under their belts!