Separating Events and Announcements with Blog Component

Hi, I’m working with the new Blog Component.

Currently, on my main page, I’m displaying all the events and announcements together using the Blog Loop.

However, I would also like to create two separate pages:

  • One page displaying only events;
  • Another page displaying only announcements;

I’ve found a workaround, but it’s not ideal. It involves creating three folders: one with all events and announcements, and two separate ones for events and announcements respectively. Then, I’d copy the relevant pages into each category. It works, but it’s not practical.

Is there a better way to do this?

Custom Blog Loop Component Options - Ideas - Bootstrap Studio Forum

We should be getting a “Tag” system in the next major update to help with Blog Loops like this. What you’re doing is currently what I’m doing to create a current Tag system.