Testing with Reflow for commerce

Just tested around with reflow for a website I’m working on. The current features make it difficult to customise and style the reflow elements in studio but i was able to do apply my own css to them by using class names I found using inspect element in my browser. Some ::after and ::before I used were helpful in adding extra content like titles and in general just to make it more visually appealing.



So far, my experiences with Reflow have been positive, albeit a little frustrating with the constant workarounds I had to do in order get the site looking more “full” if that makes sense. I’m sure this is something that the developers will work on. The actual e-commerce side is something I haven’t tested yet but managing products in the “products” section is difficult, I would love to be able to edit multiple products at the same time. Also something i consider necessary is to be able to specify how many of a single product are in stock so that once the stock runs out, the product will automatically be labelled as out of stock and customers can’t purchase it anymore. Product reviews also seem like a no-brainer.

Have a look!

Overall, I like Reflow so far and I’m excited to see new features added.


Nice and clean!
Actually reflow is reliable to build webcommerce, i’ve use it with some tricky patch to make reflow suit with local user needs in my country.

Here some site that also i build with reflow;

For this site i also use Strapi as CMS of plain html template that i created in BSS

And this one is simple site only with reflow for product content

fix it

Great job with customizing Reflow! For now the way to do it is to override the stylesheet like you’ve done but we will improve this over time.

We would love to hear more about this. Is it for assigning products to categories or some other types of edits?

Happy to share we are working on this right now. It’s a complex feature but should be ready later this week.


Things like being able to delete, edit categories, show in store, shipping weight, descriptions, etc all at once for multiple products instead of having to go into each product and editing. It would save a lot of time and headache.