Third party cookie components not disappearing after uninstall

For testing purposes I installed a couple of cookie banners that are provided in the bss online components options. I didnt like them so I uninstalled them and removed from my code. After that I noticed that they still appear in my html and I cant remove them in any way. How to remove these cookieconsent components permanently from my website?

I even notice that one of the cookiebanner components is in the ‘head’ section of my website. I do not have anything added in bss Head content. Why is it appearing there?

Some components add their own CSS and JS to your project, while you can delete the components from your canvas, the files will still stay in the project. you can remove them by expanding your Design view in the bottom right of the application and deleting them from there, like shown here.

Image showing Bootstrap Studio application


It is so cool of you @catkin to take the time to help us all have become aware of the unknown. :smiley:

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