Uninstall from ubuntu 14.04


By mistake I have installed bootstrap studio on my ubuntu system, now I need to uninstall it can anyone help me how to uninstall it. I have tried Ubuntu Software Center but it is not visible there.


Girdhari Agrawal

Start the installation again (open the bootstrapstudio.deb) there will be a button with "remove"


It have button for reinstall only.

Hmmm... funny I have the "remove" button AND the "reinstall"...

try synaptic

if this work either, then just delete everything and then its gone, too.

And if you are worried about your licence... you can deactivate it on your new system.

Thanks @Frank for your replies.

At first glance it looks funny to me also, but I have resolve this by searching for the package name and then purging that package. For reference of other I am including commands I used for this.

1) sudo apt-get pkgnames boot (This will list all the packages that start with boot in our case boostrapstudio)

2) sudo apt-get purge boostrapstudio