Using Feather Icon in BSS?

Hello, I’m trying to use an external icon lib with BSS for some icons.

I used the external reference js to import the lib and now want to place an Icon. The package I’m using is feathericons ( and the usage is a key-value pair ex:

I would prefer to see the preview in BSS, but since this library does a real-time replace of the span with an how can I get this to work in BSS?

The lack of ability to add additional Icon packages to the ICON object is also disappointing as the included library lacks what we need for our application.

Try finding your icon in the included icon libraries as there are quite a few varieties of icons included in BSS already. The Feather icons don’t look like anything all that special that you would need to use an external library. The icon you want is probably already in the myriad of icons included. Just my opinion on this of course. :slight_smile:

Jo-r, thank you for the reply, however I am looking for a solution to this rather than a work around.

Many of the posts on here refer to BSS being a beginner tool, trying to simplify, etc, however, some of these seem like design issues w/ the software that need to provide a method for more advanced users to override or customize parameters w/o always resolving to the “custom code” block as that defeats the function of the software in many ways.

We also have other icon packages w/ custom icons that we wish to use so the problem still persists.

Download your feather icon as an SVG object and insert it into your text that way. What could be easier? You don’t have to resort to custom code just to add an icon.

If you want to add an entire icon library, that’s a different story, but BSS already supports eleven icon libraries, including the most popular ones. Icon libraries are the new “font” of this decade. Soon there will be hundreds, and then thousands of them.

Unless you’re really using a lot of these feather icons in your site, and have a need for serious consistency throughout the site, I think you’re just making life harder for yourself than it needs to be.

  • Push

I can totally relate to that. Absolutely no need for a workaround, wich in itself sounds like an excuse.
For me it’s literally just using FontAwesome Icons, for wich I have a subscription. I want to be able to select them the same way I can with the free ones.
Just that it is absolutely tideous to replace them by hand after exporting HTML.
And absolutely not necessary mind you.

It shouldn’t be hard to add another iconset, be it as a webfont or a css/SVG collection.
And in the end it’s saving a lot of time for people like me.