UX: Change "Close With Unsaved Changes" Dialog

When you close the program with unsaved changes, the Primary button leads you to close without saving. Not only is this a dangerous action (leads to lost work), but it’s not what we want to do most of the time. It’s common to be done with work for the day, close the program, and simply have forgotten to hit “save.” We should not be lead, via the primary colored button, to do a dangerous action by default.

Much better would be to do what many other programs do, and have the primary button be “save and close.” This lets you go ahead and close the program like you wanted to, while being helpful (“oh yeah, I guess I forgot to save it recently, thanks for prompting me to save, BSS”). Instead of “oh shoot I almost clicked that primary button and would have lost who knows how much work because I guess I forgot to save recently – why you trying to make me lose work BSS?”

Thank you for the suggestion! Yes, this makes sense. In one of our upcoming updates we will move the buttons around to make the primary action “Cancel” so users don’t lose work by mistake.

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Thanks for your quick response, and being open to suggestions!

Any chance you could be persuaded to put a “Save” button in there too? I worked up a mockup which includes this option. I changed the wording of the dialog so that it would fit with simpler button verbiage (initially I had “Save and Close,” “Cancel,” and “Close Without Saving” but that was too verbose).

I also put the “dangerous” button off to the right. This is something I like to do, it helps give a margin of safety from accidental clicking, and also helps conceptually “chunk” things.

Your thoughts?