Version 5.9.0 is out!

I had version 5.9.0 working fine on Windows 10, and got an update. Restart the program and I get that I have version 5.9.1, but the program does not open.

Can you try resetting the app? Reinstalling Bootstrap Studio | Bootstrap Studio

Thank you very much for adding the SFTP option, it works fine and is so much easier.

@martin I am probably thirty days away from needing support for digital downloads. Currently, the best option for my use case is SnipCart, but I am wondering if Reflow will be ready for digital downloads around that time frame. What I am trying to prevent is having to maintain two of anything by switching from SnipCart to Reflow when it’s ready.
I don’t want to pry into the sprint/workflow, and I guess I could do additional tweaks if it will be longer. Full transparency my goal is to have this part of my project done by the end of Q1.
Here’s hoping.

Unfortunately I can’t give guarantees. Digital products are a complex feature, and we will likely not launch with everything (like webhooks for example). If you write to and describe what type of integration you will need, it will help us a lot in prioritizing and determining if Reflow will work for you.

Very happy with the SFTP support.
Works like a charm.
Good job and thanks!