Version 6.5.0 is out!

Thanks you so much, I forget this option on Setting, thanks a LOT ! I will do the same with another computer. Thanks you again @printninja !!

Take care.

Thanks you so much for your answer. It’s a GREAT way to think about old OS as Win7
you make my day !

Update 6.5.1 changed my site structure so that all my sections etc. became containers. Was this supposed to happen? Everything works fine, just shocked me when I saw the tree structure was altered.

Do I need to have ChatGPT premium?

We haven’t changed anything relating to site structure. Maybe you’ve changed the components to containers previously?

No need for ChatGPT premium. This uses the API which is available to everyone once they link a payment card to their openai account.


I can’t use the assistant. I’m missing something probably…

Don’t know if its me but since switching to this update, BSS response had been very slow.

As part of the prompt Bootstrap Studio sends the HTML of the selected component as well (if none are selected, the entire body is sent). So likely this is what’s happening in this case.

Is this limited to a specific design or to all? If it is a specific design, it will help us a lot if you can send it to us via email? Otherwise if if it is in all designs, you can try resetting the app.

Thanks @martin. I’m loving this feature!

AI Assistant cannot be used. I did put my API in the settings.

Your account must be old, your free quota has expired, there are two options, either pay to use, or create a new account, generate a new api, use this new api in BSS and be happy!

I’ve had a ChatGPT+ subscription since day one

ChatGPT Plus subscriptions is not for the API. The API is a pay as you go. You do get some free tokens when you sign up initially.

Moderation note: we removed a lot of inappropriate comments from this discussion. We also removed the replies to not confuse future readers. Since this discussion is now closed, if you run into issues with our 6.5 update, open new threads or send us bug reports via email.