Website for my company

Hi @all,

i want to show you my website made with bss.

This is for my media company (ancillary trades).

Logodesign etc. was also done by me.

best regards from germany :slight_smile:

Nice site @beyerben88 clean and a little snazzy all at the same time. Well done :slight_smile:

Love the floating particles, where did you find that if you donโ€™t mind me asking?

@jo-r THX 4 Feedback! :smile:

For the particles i used particle.js there are 2 or 3 examples in the BSS Online components.

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Sweet, thanks much @beyerben88 I will check them out. Most appreciated :slight_smile:

Note, itโ€™s particleS.js

Great little tool. Iโ€™ve used it on a few websites, like for Santa Claus