Hi, everyone! I’ve had Bootstrap Studio since I purchased the Lifetime license in 2021, and I just made an account in the forums recently. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Just out of curiosity, I was wondering if any of the developers could add a way to turn website screenshots (or full webpage screenshots) into Bootstrap code? I feel like that would make my projects sooooo much easier instead of just manually copying the code from the website itself, especially from large sites. Hopefully you’ll like/be interested in my suggestion. Thanks for reading!
Happy to hear you’re loving Bootstrap Studio! That would indeed be a wonderful feature to have. AI isn’t at a state where this can be done at the moment though. Maybe a few years from now it would be possible.
Not sure if this would be help to you, but you could look at FireShot Pro.
I looked at it; however, I already know how to do full page screenshots. I wanted to convert them to code so they can be more interactive. There’s screenshot-to-code on GitHub, but they unfortunately cost money (and the results don’t look as pleasing); you have to either use an API key or pay monthly for it, which I cannot afford. I didn’t want to buy it anyway because everything, including the API key, is non-refundable.
Pinegrow has this ability, although it’s definitely not always straight forward and requires some (usually much) follow up prompting. I haven’t tried doing it recently with the current models though. It may not be as far off as we think to get more accurate results
If you are a Mac user, there is a good app called SiteSucker. SiteSucker can be used to make local copies of websites. By default, SiteSucker download all HTML, CSS, JS files to your machine, allowing you to browse a site offline, and you can import it to BSS. Not every site is suitable to importing to BSS (like Tailwind, WP-PHP …)
Google it and try it 14d free, before you buy. I believe there are similar apps for windows and Linux .
Thanks for the suggestion. However, I am a Windows user since I’m more used to that and I cannot afford a Mac anyway.
The Windows App that is comparable to Mac’s SiteSucker is called HTTrack Website Copier. It’s free, and works pretty good. You can download it here.
I tried that as well years ago, but unfortunately, it doesn’t give great results, especially on large websites. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
Yes, it works best on smaller, static websites. Not great for large WordPress type websites.