Why is reflow being detected as malicious?

This has been happening with me for a while… it seems that reflowhq is being flagged as malicious website … as if blacklisted! Any idea why? When this happens all the shop items become instantly blocked! (I guess the AV closes all connections to the reflowhq cdn)

This flags on Avira, AVG, CRDF…

Any idea why this has been flagged ?

Thank you for reporting this! We are investigating why Reflow’s domain has been put on these services’ black list and are working on removing it.


martin, I’m seeing it as well with a couple client sites. any updates?

A client friend of my sent me a screenshot flagging your CDN as reason.

I believe they used Norton Antivirus on a PC, and Avast on another Mac.

CRDF’s threat center seem to have removed the notice… however… Norton now has it as well

I have forced virus total to recheck the website and now it is shown as clean (it was not before the forcing), so this means that services who rely on the Virus Total API may become updated after this… maybe…

We filed a bunch of false positive reports yesterday and some services have removed the reflow block. Hopefully it won’t be long before all others pick up the change.

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