Wine calculator

A small website with a wine calculator for determining the amount of sugar added to fruit wine. (Fruits other than grapes contain too little sugar and are usually sweetened.)

Wine calculator
Good result in PageSpeed ​​Insights :slight_smile:

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I also expanded the page with information about its use, cleverly hidden in the accordion :slight_smile:

I have one more little problem:

The results (numbers) that are displayed have a predetermined space. With a small number there is a large space, with a large number there is no space.
wynik max

This is a piece of code:

           <strong>Dodając</strong> <input id="type1" size="2" name="g" placeholder="  ? ">
           <strong>gramów cukru otrzymasz <input id="type2" size="2" name="s" placeholder="  ?  ">litrów wina<br><br><hr></strong>
Do you have an idea on how to make it flexible? Thank you.

Give each of your inputs that you want ‘responsive’ a class of responsive-input

then use the following JS:

// Select all inputs with class "responsive-input"
const responsiveInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.responsive-input');

// Function to set width based on value length
function setResponsiveInputWidth(input) {
  const valueLength = input.value.length; // valueLength = length of the current input = `calc(${valueLength}ch + 6px)`; // you may want to change the 6px to suit your design

// Add event listeners
responsiveInputs.forEach(input => {
  input.addEventListener('input', () => setResponsiveInputWidth(input));
  input.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => setResponsiveInputWidth(input));


you may need to adapt the code to run when your calculations are completed


.responsive-input {
  border: 0;
  text-align: center;
  width: calc(3ch + 6px);

Alternatively you could just use spans rather than inputs

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Richards, thank you very much for writing the code in js and for the detailed comments.

Yesterday I found on the internet that the OUTPUT command was introduced in 2020 - this simplified things a lot.

Thank you again, now everything works as I wanted.

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