Workaround about typehinting

I always have problem about handling js scripts inside bss…
especially with type hinting…

let’s not dive to far into installing module from npm…
but self hosted module INSIDE bss…

almost forever… bss use temp, file in OS temp, with temp filename…
therefore importing self module, is a nightmare, since there’s no way intelisense can detect it(when opened in any IDE)…

I know there’s other workaround, like importing single external Bundled js form bss… and let bundler like rollup or webpack, bundle it on other dev server…

but what I’m proposing is…
how about, when opening mjs file,
assign a single temporary folder, and put all bss mjs file, with it’s real intended name relative to that folder…
therefore intelisense still able to detect the types…

also dev team might need to add some protection upon handling, rename from the bss when temp folder is still active…

emphasis on(typehinting), I don’t really need the bundling option, since most browser is also supporting ESM import syntax nowadays…