PHP files to add

This is a really good application and I use it a lot, although I see why you don’t add PHP surely let us create a file with .php just full of our own code?

so there is an option to add PHP file then you enter the name and then it opens a text editor and you can write PHP code - no need for validation none of that just a plain text editor…

like this way, you can make login forms and overall just make this program a lot more functional.

  • Phil Trevor
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This is has been covered many times but I’ll save you the time searching… it’s not going to happen.

If you want to edit PHP you can do that post export.

yes but why not its as simple as letting us open a full page text editor or even an external editor and letting us save it as .php

You can open your favorite editor from bootstrap studio. You can right click on a js file and type your php code and then save as php file and save the file in your php directory. You can not save the file in Bootstrap studio, php is not supported. What you say is the same as going to your bank and wanting to deposit a piece of meat in your account …

What a brilliant analogy :rofl:

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“Excuse me, but why is this deposit ticket all sticky and covered with blood?” :rofl:

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I totally agree, any editor worth it’s salt give the user the ability to edit the file extinction to almost any file type. But for some reason BSS seems to have this non standard approach. It sound like BS to me

BSS is a tool for streamlining the construction of websites with the Bootstrap Framework via a visual interface It is specifically designed to do this. HTML, CSS and JS are all a part of Bootstrap. PHP is not.

Photoshop is a tool for creating and editing images. Ask yourself why you can’t save files from Photoshop with the .wmv or .avi extension? After all, videos are just a series of images. The reason is because Photoshop is specifically designed for the creation and editing of single images, not videos.

Websites today can incorporate hundreds of different technologies, and one could just as easily complain that Bootstrap Studio doesn’t allow you to save files as any of these other formats… for example… .xlsx .txt and .docx can contain the same exact content that is in an .html file. But BSS doesn’t save in any of those formats either, because they’re not part of Bootstrap.

HTML is NOT part of bootstrap.

Huh??? Bootstrap is an HTML framework!

Call me confused, but why do back-end developers routinely come to the forums and complain about the lack of PHP support in BSS?

I mean, there’s a reason BSS is $65 bucks and Wappler is $250-$500.

Bootstrap is part of HTML.

What’s the deal here @baudwalker, are you here to just troll the forums and start trouble? Please don’t be so snarky about how someone might talk about something. It was very clear that @printninja meant that they were included as part of BSS, not that they were “part” of BSS. Don’t be so picky about things like that, it’s not necessary and so far your posts have added nothing but friction to this thread. :confused:

I am generally interested in why BSS does not allow export to PHP as it does with HTML, such as Mobirise, WYSIWYG Web Builder. Pinegrow, Website X5 and many others.

I do become concerned when some people reply with incorrect statements such as “HTML is part of Bootstrap”. Misinformation helps no-one.

But it is not the end of the world that BSS is incapable of exporting to PHP as well as HTML

While I agree with you that “misinformation helps no-one”, I think it’s safe to say those who frequent these forums had no difficulty understanding that my comment “HTML, CSS and JS are all a part of Bootstrap” essentially meant that these web technologies are interconnected within the Bootstrap Studio program environment. There is no Bootstrap Studio without Bootstrap OR HTML. Technically, it might have been more accurate to have written that “HTML, CSS and JS are all a part of building websites with the Bootstrap Studio software.”

Regarding your other examples…

I used the free version of Mobirise once (long since deleted.) I bought, used (once), and discarded WYSIWYG Web Builder. I own and use Pinegrow. I have no experience with Website X5 other than having remembered looking at an older version in the mid 2010’s and finding it seriously lacking in features.

Mobirise, when I last looked at, still used the classic “bait & switch” business model… they offer a “free”, seemingly comprehensive website builder to entice beginners into committing to the platform. Then, once they realize they are neck deep in a project and find they need access to the code to do many common tasks, they have to cough up $75 a year for the code editing plug-in. So screw them.

When I purchased WYSIWYG Website Builder back in in 2016, it was antiquated junk that didn’t even support text in anything other than points! Its CSS editing features were practically non-existent (not sure if that’s still the case.) It produced abysmally bad, bloated, non-semantic code, and used a totally bizarre and convoluted system of hiding and showing page elements to achieve responsiveness. It had a horrible UI, and (IMO) the owner was a stubborn ass who could not handle the slightest criticism of his program. Maybe the software has gotten better since then, but from my own experience, I couldn’t imagine any professional developer taking WYSIWYG Web Builder seriously, (even if it allows one to save files in .php format.)

I have no complaints about Pinegrow. It’s a great piece of software (not cheap with its annual renewal fees) but it has many powerful features. And while I don’t use regularly, I still renew it each year because when you need it, it’s indispensable, and I like Matjaz, who is as dedicated to improving PG as Martin is to improving BSS, so I support them both.

I know nothing about Website X5 other than a vague recollection of looking at it 3-4 years ago and recalling that it did not support responsive design at the time. I believe it does now, but it’s a paid option (more bait and switch marketing!) I’ve also read reviews that say it does not allow you to see the actual website in the workspace as you’re building it (odd.) And the pro version is not cheap at $220.00

Perhaps @martin would care to weigh in on this discussion, and explain in more detail why BSS does not allow the saving of files in .php format. He would have the definitive answer. The rest of us can only speculate.

I have been using BSS for 4 years and have purchased a lifetime licence which I consider a bargain. Why? because it is a really good tool and I like the way it works. But I always have my eyes open for improvements and alternatives.

I have identified one weakness in BSS and I will always put my views forward and support those of similar views.

I consider it a valid request to have PHP as an export option as well as HTML. But as I mentioned it will not be the end of the world if it doesn’t happen, but I will always give my support to those who mention this subject on the forum.

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@Martin how hard would it be to implement a built in export script for some things like this PHP setup that has been asked for incessantly since I started years ago. Maybe something like that would take care of the issue on this and for many others?

Users - ask for php support
Devs - say not gonna happen
Users - keep asking
Devs - don’t respond as they have already answered previously to say not supported

Doesn’t take a genius to see the pattern that it’s not likely to be supported so fail to understand why it’s continues to be raised.

If php support is that important - mock up in BSS - then when ready for php coding open sections in 3rd party editor and do what is needed.

Bored of seeing same requests over and over now :man_shrugging:

so fail to understand why it’s continues to be raised.

Because people want to deposit meat in their bank accounts.


Users - ask for php support
Devs - say not gonna happen
Users - keep asking
Devs - don’t respond as they have already answered previously to say not supported

Devs? Do you mean the developers of BSS?

Who are they? I know 3 persons as the moderator of this forum: @danny @gabby and @martin . I couldn’t know anyone else who may be an official of the BSS.

I have been following this issue for a long time. Whenever a user comes up with a suggestion on this subject, immediately the same 2 people write long answers and oppose them without feeling lazy, as if they have to answer.

This is what I see. Until now, I have not seen an official statement on behalf of BSS from forum moderators or any other official person.

I believe that the users’ requests on this topic are sincere ( I am one of them ). Because BSS will be a much more perfect tool if php support and database integration features are developed.

Of course, the development of an excellent tool that does almost everything, that makes the end user’s job so easy, does not please those who do web development consultancy and earning money with this. I think those 2 people are doing web consultancy, too.

Please warn me if I am wrong about this, if there is an official statement from BSS about this issue, if the answers here are official answers on behalf of BSS; I will take all my words back and apologize.

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I cannot recall when it was (nor do I care enough to start searching through old posts,) but I remember at least one of the developers stating in the old forum that adding database support is not something they have any plans for, or interest in doing with BSS. This is just my recollection, not an “official” statement.

I am not a programmer, but I can imagine that turning a program that is strictly a static website builder into one that can also build dynamic websites is probably not a matter of a simple “update.” In fact, I would imagine It’s more akin to writing a new program from scratch, and also probably one reason why there are very few website builders out there that do this. Wappler is one of the few I am aware of (and it costs over $400 IIRC.)

I have no idea what you’re implying with…

does not please those who do web development consultancy and earning money with this. I think those 2 people are doing web consultancy, too.

I can assure you that if I was getting paid to do “web consultancy,” I certainly wouldn’t be spending hours in this forum each week answering newbie questions for free. But I do build websites for a living, and there are quite a few other regulars in this forum doing the same.